Our Services

ViVA Integration Module (ViM)

ViM is the central gateway to all the ViVA services. It unifies the access to the services and simplifies the user input of data and parameters.

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Protein Sequence Diversity Dynamics Analyser (DiMA)

DiMA is a tool designed to facilitate the dissection of protein and nucleotide (RNA/DNA) sequence diversity dynamics for viruses. DiMA is big data ready, allows for metadata enrichment, and provides an interactive output, depicting multiple facets of sequence diversity, with options for download. It enables comparative genome/proteome diversity dynamics analyses, within and between sequences of viral species. 
More Info: <https://dima.bezmialem.edu.tr/>

Motif Switch Analyzer (MoSwA)

Motif switching at a given k-mer alignment position is a phenomenon where fitness change in one or more amino acids, such as through mutations, changes the incidence of a given k-mer sequence across its overlapping positions, resulting in a sequence rank change, and thus, a motif change. This has been observed to occur for all the motifs (index, major, minor or unique). MoSwA (Motif Switch Analyzer) is a tool that not only identifies all alignment k-mer positions that exhibit motif switching, but also provides a multi-faceted and extensive characterisation of the switches. MoSwA enables a comparative analyses of motif switches within and between viral species proteomes. 
More Info: <https://moswa.bioinfo.perdanauniversity.edu.my/>

Sequence diversity dynamics Visualisers And iNterpreTer (SEVANT)

SEVANT is a web-based tool for viral diversity visualization and interpretation and outputs a user-friendly report. SEVANT utilizes an integrated Diversity Motif Analyser (DiMA) Python package (https://pypi.org/project/dima-cli/) to compute the entropy and characterize the diversity motifs (index and its variants: major, minor and unique) for a protein, multiple sequence alignment input file. 
More Info: <http://vada.bioinfo.perdanauniversity.edu.my/>

CROss-Species Transmissibility Analyser (CROSTA)

Viral zoonosis is a major human health threat, exemplified by the current on-going COVID-19 pandemic. CROSTA compares viral protein sequence of two host populations that are co-aligned and analysed for zoonotic transmission. The results of CROSTA can be used for a better understanding of substitution transmissibility from the natural reservoir to the human host, which may facilitate surveillance efforts.

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Diagnostics Target Analyser (DiTA)

Genetic diversity in viruses makes it difficult to accurately diagnose the virus responsible for an infection. Identification of sequences that are specific to the virus of interest and capture the diversity of the viral variants is essential for design of universal diagnostic targets. This will help mitigate false positive and negative results.

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Vaccine Target Analyser (ViTA)

Viral sequence diversity is a major challenge in effective vaccine design. The ViTA module is part of the ViVA ecosystem that aims to provide users with shortlisted vaccine target candidates for a given virus of interest. The candidates are highly conserved, functional, and immune-relevant sequences of the virus that provide a broad coverage of the viral variants and are applicable to the human population at large. 

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Inhibitory Drug Target Analyser (IDTA)

Viruses, in particular, RNA viruses show increased drug resistance to antivirals that directly act on viral proteins. IDTA module aims to find the candidate drugs/antivirals by using high-throughput screening of drug databases to target historically conserved sequences (HCS) of a given virus. 

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